Thursday, June 12, 2008


With Father's Day this Sunday, The Chixie Dicks will be playing a benefit from 3-6pm to raise money and awareness for prostate cancer research.

We feel, as mostly middle-aged men, prostate health is becoming more of a prominent issue with us and, as most of us are fathers and we've all HAD fathers, it's important to bring awareness and support to this cause.

Besides, we all have better things to do with our middle finger!

Also on the bill is Canadian recording artist John Allaire, who will also be performing at the upcoming Cisco Systems' Bluesfest. John has shared stages in the past with the likes of Blue Rodeo, Tom Cochrane and The Tragically Hip, so we feel quite honoured that he's taking the time to share the day with us and perform.

Judging from his webshot, he'll fit right in with the Chixie Dicks' sense of fun and good humour.

His musical style is one of "" roots has been likened to that of people like Neil Young.

We're in for a helluva day, folks. And, after John is done, if ya still think ya can do better 'n us, have at it with Sunday night Karaoke at Bass Line Station.

Ahhh, yes! Alcohol and microphones; a splendid combination!